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News and Announcements
Publication Notices
The Hermeneutics of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 15.1
Guest Editors: Joshua D.F. Hooke, Sean McGrath, Joachim Rathmann and George Saad
Call for Papers
Volume 17: Rethinking Patient-Centered Care:
Exploring the Interpretive and Relational Nature of Clinical Practice
Guest Editor: Nicole Piemonte, Creighton University
Extended Deadline: 01 January 2025
Hermeneutics as a philosophical framework emphasizes the interpretive and relational aspects of human experience. This framework is particularly relevant to healthcare, as practitioners engage in the complex task of interpreting patients' stories, symptoms, and experiences to provide the right care for the particular patient before them. Medicine, therefore, emerges not only as an applied science, but also as an interpretive, relational, and narrative practice deeply intertwined with values, emotions, and convictions.
Opportunities for IIH Members
Call for Papers: Theory of Architecture as Hermeneutics
The Spanish-Argentinean architecture magazine Astrágalo opens a call for papers for the reception of articles for the monograph "Theory of Architecture as Hermeneutics" whose guest editor is Professor Alberto Pére-Gómez, IIH Professor Honoris Causa.
15 May 2024: deadline for article submissions
15 July 2024: deadline for external reviewers
30 September 2024: decision deadline from article submission
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